October is here and with it comes falling leaves, colder temperatures and darker evenings.
As the days draw in, you will not fail to notice a change in the way you’re driving. For example, low yet dazzling sunlight can make visibility an issue, which is you’re you’re probably using your car’s sun visor far more than you were just weeks ago.
So what else do you need to be aware of as we head into autumn?
Now we’re not complaining for one moment about the sun still being out – long may it continue! However, glaring, low sunlight in the mornings and sunset can seriously impair visibility when driving. Therefore it is vital that you and your car are prepared.
Make use of your sun visor (or sunglasses if you’d prefer) and ensure that your vehicle’s windscreen is clean both inside and out and your windscreen washer fluid is topped up.
If the sun does suddenly dazzle you, gently slow down – don’t brake too quickly as other drivers who may also have been affected by the low sun may not be able to react as quickly as they normally would.
Be aware that if the sun is behind you as you’re driving, it’s likely that drivers coming the opposite way are being affected. Concentrate and stay on the lookout for any sudden issues as just because the sun isn’t directly impairing your vision, it doesn’t mean it’s not seriously impacting others.
Use this time to take a good, objective look at your windscreen – are there scratches and chips that could impair visibility in low yet bright sun? No-one wants to, but replacing the windscreen now will be far less costly and traumatic than the repercussions of an accident.
You will also want to gauge whether your windscreen wipers are up to the task. They only last two years – is now the time to buy some new ones?
Are you 100% sure your car’s battery is up to the task? The colder months mean your battery has to work harder than usual. As we turn on our vehicles’ heating and lights, batteries have to cope with higher electrical loads. Therefore it is hardly surprising that there is a steep rise in vehicle breakdowns at this time of year. Now is the time to get your battery checked and, if necessary, replaced.
You may immediately assume that anti-freeze isn’t needed until winter. However, we are only a couple of months away and it’s not unheard of for temperatures to rapidly decrease. Do you really want the hassle and expense of having repair a frozen engine? Sort it early and check your anti-freeze levels soon.
It is imperative that you refer to your handbook as you need to use the correct anti-freeze. Using the wrong one or mixing two types can damage your vehicle’s engine.
Few people can escape driving in the dark over the winter months, particularly once the clocks go back. Check and replace your lights, not forgetting your brake lights. It’s easy to do – just refer to your handbook if you are unsure.
Check your tyres’ condition and pressure – you will need at least 3mm of tread in order to ensure that your car’s tyres can cope with the impact of the colder temperatures.
We understand that many people don’t have the time, confidence or knowhow to ensure their car is ready for the winter. But don’t put off the job and leave it too late – get your vehicle checked by the professionals.
Situated in Grays, Essex, M&BM Motors’ skilled and experienced technicians can perform a full winter check, providing you with total peace of mind that your car is roadworthy.
We will check your vehicle’s:
Following our checks, we will issue you with a list of advisories, which means you are aware of anything that needs sorting before the temperatures drop further.
And it costs less than you’d think! Call M&BM Motors today on 01375 379401 to book a winter check.
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