Is your car ready for a long journey
Families across the UK are preparing to embark on long journeys whether it’s to their favourite holiday destination, a day out to the zoo or going to see relatives.
Thousands of motorists take to the roads but for some, excitement will turn to disappointment if the trusted family transport fails.
Long journeys can test the most reliable of vehicles. If a break-down is on the cards, you can guarantee this will happen at the most inconvenient time – on-route to the airport, for example.
It is possible to minimise the risk of mechanical failure with preparation and a ‘holiday car check’. Such a check will ensure any faults are identified and repaired before they have a chance to cause travel disruption. They will also ensure the vehicle is safe to drive before you head out on the motorway.
Cooling system: One of the important functions to check pre-long journey is your vehicle’s cooling system. Hot temperatures place extra stress on the engine and cooling system of a vehicle which can result in overheating if both are not maintained.
Radiator: It’s important to check the hoses connected to the radiator for cracks, leaks or loose connections. The hoses help pump coolant to and from the engine while belts enable the fan to function which further cools the engine. Damage to either could cause your radiator to overheat, leaving you unable to drive.
Coolant fluid: Motorists should check their coolant fluid level is at the correct level at least once a week when the engine is cool. Coolant levels should remain at the same level so it’s important to consult a professional garage if the level drops.
Tyre check: Summer or winter, it’s always advisable to check your car’s tyre tread before setting off on a long journey. The British weather is notoriously unreliable and it’s quite possible you’ll be driving in showers at some stage of your journey. Good tyre tread enhances your ability to stop rapidly, protecting you and your passengers.
Don’t take any unnecessary risks. If your tyre pressure or tread is getting low, arrange for replacement.
Air filter: Motorists are advised to replace their car’s air filter twice a year. Air filters protect the engine from dust and insects but they fail to function properly when clogged with dirt. It’s important to regularly replace the air filter to keep air flowing freely around the vehicle. Air filters are inexpensive and can be changed easily at home but your annual service should take care of this.
Brakes: It’s important to inspect your brakes before a long journey, particularly the brake fluid. Low brake fluid can be a sign of excessive brake wear or even fluid leak. A garage will be able to carry out a full inspection of your brakes and measure linings and pads to ensure compliance. Brakes are fundamental to car safety so it’s not worth taking the risk.
At M&MB Motors, we offer motorists a ‘holiday car check’ for £35 plus VAT which is peace of mind for any long journey. For more information, call us now on 01375 379401
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